
Where has Summer GONE?

The last few days have seen quite a change in temperatures and there is the slightest hint of autumn in the early morning hours. When we drove up to the dam on Sunday, I noticed little specks of gold and orange amongst the green where quakies and oaks were beginning to change colors. It's usually when we drive up to Swiss Days that I notice the change in the foliage, and that is this weekend! Where has the summer gone?

The routine - head erect, shoulders back, chest out, inhale thru the nose and exhale out the mouth {am I also supposed to count on the exhale, or just puff?}, tummy tucked, arms swinging, hands flexing {to keep the blood from engorging my fingers so they aren't dragging on the pavement by the time I get home} , glutes tight, kegals {trying, at least}, iPod tuned and earphones installed for EZ listening and a guaranteed smile on my face! No wonder I'm exhausted by the time I hit the back doorstep! It's been perfect for early morning walks - so I've been getting out around 6'ish. It's amazing what the fresh morning air can do for your attitude the rest of the day! As I walked this morning, I noticed - a fortune cookie saying lying on the sidewalk {at first, I walked over it, then thought to myself 'what if it actually has something to say to me?'}, so I turned back a few steps and picked it up with hope in my heart: One who admires you greatly is hidden before your eyes. Ok, that's pretty deep! I noticed a little turquoise {?} booth at a new construction site in our neighborhood with the name "Honey Pot' over the door {such a sweet name for such a disgusting -but necessary- stop!} I noticed the cutest little boy walking to school, who for the last 4 mornings has spoke right up to me and said HI. I thought to myself, what a great self-image he has to take the initiative to say something to an adult without being coaxed!

I love watching the sun come up over the beautiful mountains, love the cool morning air blowing in my face, love watching the community come alive, as people are scurrying off to work, children are waiting at the bus stops, yards are being watered and the fine mist of the sprinklers settles over me, and my thoughts turn to the chores of the day, and where my life will lead me . I come back from a walk and feel refreshed and ready to tackle any problem {or person}!


KickButtMommy said...

I love it. I love early mornings.

whitey said...

I am an early morning gal myself. Been wrestling down Hadley for 1 1/2 hours trying to get her a sleep I give up stuck blues clues on the tv and walked out of the room lets see if it works ,, I am with you where has summer gone? Some people I know have already got their fall decorations up I am still trying to find all my summer ones.

Debbie said...

We sure enjoyed being with you guys at the dam ! It was such a beautiful, relaxing day ! I haven't seen the kids for so long, now they are all grown up with beautiful children of their own ! Kudos to you Sioux for doing such a great job ! It brought back lot's of memories watching our grandchildren play together ! I am anxious to try to get everyone together, I had hoped before we lost the summer days, but now it's looking like fall !

"Jo" in many sizes said...

I would love to love these things with you girls. But, I love to sleep. 7 is pushin it for me. I love the sunrise to wake me up! Just about the time I start enjoying getting out in the morning, it will snow and I will inturn hibernate.

I love this little story/insight. I really do like taking a quick morning walk now.

Anonymous said...

You have the glorious blessing of having way too much time on your hands. Lucky you, your heart is filled with gratitude and life awareness.