

For any of you out there who read my blog - please check out all the fun stuff that Heidi is putting on her blog. She's going to be doing a "POP art" illustration of all the members of both sides of ours and Grant's family. It's proving to be a fun project for her. And after that, I have another thing for her to do -- Mike finally located all his old photos which need to be scanned. She has already done over 300 of my old photographs and slides and we've been able to put them on disks! Blessing on you and Thanks so much, Heidi; you don't know how often I get into them to find something old for blogging! Love you much!

1 comment:

"Jo" in many sizes said...

I check Heidis sight all of the time. She is wonderfully talented, as are your other children. So what is your secret to producing such talented children? Is it a trick I need to learn during pregnancy or is it in the meals you fed?