
We Are Beautiful!

Mom, sisters, Grandpa & Grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids, friends, boyfriend -- all there to watch Eryn! Poised, gracious, articulate, beautiful, talented, and now with the experience of participating in an event that offers the opportunity to build friendships, practice sportsmanship, build self-confidence, learn, laugh, and maybe take home a crown. Although Eryn did not bring home the crown, she is 'Golden' in all our eyes and we love her for her efforts. She did look stunning in her evening gown of pale yellow; she did a great job on her dance; she carried herself with grace in a swim suit and 3" heels {a feat in itself}, and I believe the platform that she chose to represent - that of 'accepting and helping people with special needs', was admirable. But then, she has been an advocate for the underdog since she was a young child. She was always the one to befriend the one in school who wasn't quite the same as everyone else; making sure they had a friend to walk through the halls with, sitting by them at lunch, and rallying for them when others were cruel. So this seemed to be a 'natural' forum for her to pursue.

Needless to say, she didn't need to win over 5 other girls for all of us to know that she is a WINNER, and we so enjoyed watching her compete last night. She walked away with the "Heart of Kaysville" award and "Best of Evening Wear". We're proud of you Eryn, and I want you to know how special you are to me and how much I love you.


whitey said...
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whitey said...

She has gumption that gal! There would be no way I would of been that brave to do something like that. She should be proud of herself for sure.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Eryn. Such fun to put yourself out there and test the waters. This is just the beginning of something magical.