
Introduction to Heaven

Dear God,

Let this serve as an introduction to Edith Lloyd Shifflett ~ a Woman of Honor who just recently passed from this mortal life, into the Kingdom of Heaven. I know she is welcomed with open arms by many loved ones who have gone on before her. I realize You know all there is to know, but these are just a few of the things we love her for.

Thoughts about Mom. . .

Mom was not a master cook, nor an immaculate housekeeper!

She was first and foremost a Daughter of her Heavenly Father, a Woman of Faith, a good Mother and Grandmother, a Friend and Proponent of Truth, and a Believer.

The things she chose to do to keep busy was gardening, canning, sewing, fellowshipping, and proclaiming her testimony and love of the Gospel – all of which she did and shared with others, hoping it would be beneficial to them.

She is the most unselfish woman I know – who never wanted anything more for herself, than she did for others. And she usually gave up her time, her talents, and good heartedness more than was required or expected. Neighbors, ward members, nieces and nephews love her; but mostly her children and grandchildren – who will miss her silly cackle, her calm, reassuring guidance, and her unwavering devotion and love for them.

May we remember all the good times – the teaching moments, working alongside her in the garden, the orchard, or the yard, and the odd meal combinations; like Spam pizza on English muffins, the unusual ‘ICE’ water, catsup on almost anything she ate, carob chocolate candy w/pumpkin seeds and raisins, her famous/infamous scrambled eggs which half the grandkids really liked, and half did not like at all!

As an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she loved the Gospel and had many loving friends in the 20th Ward that watched over her. She was one of those who always gave more than she received and was a delight to be around with her great smile and unique sense of humor. She emulated the true love of Christ in her life and through her good works. She loved serving others and never said anything negative. She has been the perfect example in every way.

Now is the time to take to heart all the counsel she has given and put it to use in our lives. This is what she would want of us – to come together as a family in love and unity. We will miss you Mom, but are so thankful for everything you have accomplished and all you have given. Love you forever….

(I offered up the idea to the kids and grandkids that they could write a little note or put a photo in with Grandma before the casket was closed. Above is the thoughts that I came up with, and then each of us signed it. Connor had a love-note that he included, and Heidi and Heather both put in pictures of their families that they just recently gave to Mom for Mother's Day. She loved displaying photos of her family, and truly adored the newest ones that we all gave her. )


Grandma, We Love You

This is a copy of the tribute that I wrote for Mom's 80th birthday, and the one that Heather read so beautifully at her funeral.

If every person to whom you have shown
some act of compassion and service
Were to try to repay you in their own kind
I fear there would not be enough
days, or hours in our lifetime.

"Inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these; Ye do it unto Me."

If every piece of cloth you've pieced
and every stitch of thread you've sewn
were laid side by side
end to end
They would stretch from here to Timbuktu,
and back again.

"I know thy works, and charity, and service and faith, and they patience, and thy works;
and the last to be more than the first."

For every unkind word
that is spoken against another
You offer up a compliment, and a calm reassurance
that the World is a better place,
because we are in it.

"Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only..."

If to you, a rose was sent
for every day that you have spent
Thinking of, worrying about, or fretting over each of us
in our daily routines;
The World would be a Garden of Roses,
and you would be the Master Gardener.

If we could all the have perfect Faith
that you carry in your heart;
then your Mission as our Mother would be taught.
That because we are all God's Children,
there is nothing more important or urgent ~
than for us to do those things that will
Help us return to HIM.

Some women are born to Greatness ~
Others strive for Greatness ~

Mom, you've always done the best you could with what you had; you've always cared for others when it would've been easier to think of yourself; you've always been there for all of us when it seemed the rest of the World didn't care. We love you.

"Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things...Well done, thou good and faithful Servant..."

You watched over us by Day
Prayed for us each Night


There is a lesson we learn early and harmlessly, or late and traumatically -- that there are things we can break that our parents can't fix. ~ Robert Brault

Such is the recent lesson Curt learned....
It's been a summer of boo-boos - 1st Curtis and his pulverized thumb [heretofore referred to as the 'BUM THUMB'], which he smashed in a 40lb press at work; then
Laila fell off her scooter without any safety gear on, and got quite a bump on her head and leg. Taylor was next to take a spill on her bike with minor abrasions; next Weston took a header and skinned his nose and forehead; and finally Sloane took a flying leap into the sofa table and split her forehead open! We should have taken a pix of all of them lined up with their various injuries! Heidi told Laila if she takes another spill like the ones she has had, "she'll be able to count to POTATO"!

I keep waiting for something exciting or fun to define the summer of 2010, and it just ain't happening! No vacations, no parties, no FUN.....the SUMMER of the

Kloyie & Skyla came and stayed with us for 3 weeks right after school ended - which entailed schedules being changed to accommodate activities for them. Thanks to Heidi and Heather, they were able to spend time playing with the cousins, doing crafts, swimming, hanging out. Kloyie got her first taste of putting a jig-saw puzzle [of more than 100 large pieces] together, and felt such a wave of accomplishment when it was done. I had got a puzzle with kittens in it, because she and Skyla both have cats and love them so much. Skyla turned 8 and was baptized at the end of June.

We spent July going to parades and watching firework displays. Seth started walking...just a few steps...then about 50% of the time...now almost always, unless he really wants to get somewhere fast - then he's back on his hands and knees! He is such a joyful baby and developing such a cute personality.

Now it's August, and the kids are all getting ramped up to begin another [or
NEW] school year. Laila begins Kindergarten and is very excited for that. She and Connor will be going to the same Elementary; however, Connor probably won't see much of her, since the K-kids are in a wing almost all to themselves, with separate playground even! But it gives Laila reassurance knowing that her cousin will be there, if she needs a friendly face. Taylor got her haircut recently and looks so chic. When I asked Kloyie how the first few days of school were for her she exuberantly proclaimed....'School's AWESOME'!!

Sadly, Mom-in-law, who is 87 years old, has suffered a stroke. We are waiting and watching the life ebb from her frail body. It has been 10 days without food or water [other than some ice chips that she sucks on], and the family gathered last Monday to give her a 'Release' blessing. Being the self-reliant person she has always been, she had her funeral plans all paid for and outlined for us. So it's been easy to fill in the gaps with things we think she would like, or people that we know she would like to hear from both spiritually and musically. In her youth, she was an accomplished violinist who enjoyed playing with the school orchestra, and was Lead Violinist in a couple of operettas in college. She enjoyed dramas, and was always involved with directing and making costumes for the roadshows that her church put on. She was an accomplished seamstress, and did alterations for many people up until just a few years ago. She always put others needs before her own, and you could count on her to be in the yards, the gardens, and the fruit trees at her home and all of her friends and neighbors, if there was something to be done. She never shirked hard work, and taught us all by her example what it means to 'give of yourself'. We love you, Grandma, and will miss your wisdom.

It is now 9pm, September 4th; it's only taken me 2 months to write this silly blog entry, and Mom passed from this mortal existance at 2:40pm today. It is a bittersweet experience to know that you are doing something to facilitate the passing of another person, whom you love. But I know that she is happy, being able to hear, see, and visit with all the loved ones who have gone on before.