
Happy Birthday to Wayne & DiAnne!

When pictures from your childhood
Are in faded black & white.
When people start to notice
That you’ve lost more than your height . . .

When all these things start happening
Don’t let it wreck your mood.
It’s Nature’s way of telling you
You’re one maturing DUDE!

I have this big Sister-her name is DiAnne.
Even though we have disagreed at times
I look up to her --
She is someone beside me lending a hand.
Offering words that say, “I understand” . . .

Sister, you taught me
What it is to share,
And what it is to receive.
You gave me Love, joy, togetherness,
Loyalty, support, friendship.


KickButtMommy said...

Happy Grandpa and Dianne

Anonymous said...

Talk about a brother-sister act. Not only were they born on the same day, sixteen years apart, but they are also kindred spirits...same personality and drive. I love them both.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
Happy Birthday, Aunt DiAnne.