
The Jesus Store

Funny Story - Heather, Taylor, Weston and I were out shopping on Friday for Kloyie's birthday at Deseret Book. Heather & I walked around the entire store looking at decorations, plaques, books, sampling SnickerDoodles(!) We wandered into the pictures and started picking out our favorite pix of the Savior. We decided we love the new versions that have him more animated - blue eyes, and especially the ones with children.

Anyway, Taylor pipes up with 'How come there's so many pictures of Jesus here?' Along with the 'insanity thing we inherit from our kids', I've picked up on my kid's qUICKwIT! Heather and I reply simultaneously, 'Cuz this is the Jesus Store'. We hear two ladies on the other side of the shelves laughing. . .Oh No! We've been caught in our sarcasm!

Taylor's last question: 'Why does Jesus need a store?' Good question, Taylor. I think even Jesus would laugh at that.


Anonymous said...

"Kids say the darnest things". Especially if they are related to you, Grandma!!

Sioux said...

I don't know who's the BIGGER Delinquent, the kids, the grandkids, or the Grandma!

Cara said...

I've always wondered that myself. I vote Grandma.

KickButtMommy said...

The Jesus Store. Nice one!