
Memorial Day Weekend 2007

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.

As we approach the Memorial Day weekend, may we remember the friends and family that have gone on before us, and find peace in knowing that we will see them once again, and be reunited as family. It was an especially tender one this year for Nadine and family, as Clyde just passed away in April. Clydene got a cute pix of her little grand-daughter at Clyde's grave; she was on her knees with her ear to the ground trying to listen to what Grandpa was saying -- children are definitely in tune to the Spirit.



I mentioned in a blog or so ago, that I was going to try to spotlight each of my kids so that you would know them a little better. I'm so impressed with each of their talents and abilities ---different, yet similar. They all have an artistic flair (which I guess they get thru heredity, since all of you are carrying the same genes!). I know that I have sent some of you the links to Mike's art: http://mshifflett.digitalart.org/, and http://www.flameworx.com/ are just a couple of places you can see some of his artwork. He earned the MOBIUS award, which some of you may know is like the Oscar for art design: http://www.unitedvisual.com/2rent/3maa.asp He designed the website for flameworx. Some of his best work is pictures that he has done for family or friends, but he would love to sell. Everything he does is exact, almost to the point that it looks like a photograph!

Heidi gets into the abstract portraits and non-traditional types of art --- with bright colors, comic-bookstyle sketches, and beautiful, somewhat surreal renditions of what she sees. She now has a blog set up at: http://hidbdesigns.blogspot.com/. You can visit her there and see many more of her works, with the ability to buy or contract something to buy.

I just love to toot their horns -- since they so seldom do. Hope you enjoy seeing their displays throughout my blogs. TOOT! TOOT!


Happy Mother's Day

For about 13 years, I have been cautiously dabbling in poetry writing --- nothing fancy, you understand. It has been a way to "vent", to express my feelings, to indulge my daydreams, to share secrets --- it has become my Best Friend! They are mostly of a personal nature; sorrow/happiness, pain/healing, disappointment/renewed faith. They are writings that you will probably never see published, but are etched in my heart forever. Four years ago I wrote a poem for my girls and Woody's Mother, which I gave them on Mother's Day and would like to share.

Mother's Day -2003

What more tribute for a Mother could there be?
Than for her children to be healthy, wise, forgiving and happy.

What more satisfaction could a Mother find?
Than a child who demonstrates appreciation and is always kind.

What more love could a Mother feel?
Than the chubby little arms wrapped snugly about her neck;

Than the sad little eyes pleading for more attention;
Than the endless questions that always start with "Why?";
Than the sweet smelling bouquet picked especially for her (from the neighbor's garden)'
Than the pleading for just one more scoop of cookie dough;
Than the bedtime story, a sweet child's prayer, and a warm tuck between the covers.

What greater happiness comes into a Mother's heart?
Than to see her children teach their children to be appreciative, forgiving, loving,
joyful, humble, prayerful, thankful . . .

What more to life is there . . .
Than to be a Mother.

I'm thinking of my single friends, who may not have children, my friends that may not be around their families, and my friends who are no longer with us, but have the families who think of them daily. Mother's Day is such an "overkill" holiday, when you think of it from the retail point of view. What's important is the love and appreci
ation of your families and the feeling that you are giving them the one thing in their lives that they need the most to be successful individuals!

(My Kids and their Kids . . . . I love them all to pieces!)

Thanks for becoming a piece of my heart. I love you all. . . .



As you're all aware, May 7th is Wayne's birthday. Because he is so special in all our lives, and because I feel I never do enough to recognize him, I would like to pay tribute to him for 85 glorious years of faithful love and devotion for his family and his sweet wife, his patriotic service to his Country, and for being the mainstay and Patriarch for the Fry Family for as far back as I remember. He and El took care of my Mother when she became deathly ill; he stepped in and took care of finances when my own Father couldn't (or wouldn't); he made sure that Aunt Dott had a place to live that was close by him in Bountiful, so that they and DiAnne would be able to watch over and take care of her; and he's always been a big brother that I was proud of and loved to brag about. I remember when I began dating Woody, and finally got into a conversation with his Dad about where he worked, which was the Air Nat'l Guard Base in SLC. I believe that Wayne was his C.O. When he realized that I was related to "FRY", he about croaked! I get the impression that they might not have always seen eye to eye working together. Anyway, that was a big adjustment to get past (for him, not me!).

Wayne shares his birthday with a younger sister, DiAnne. I would also like to add that DiAnne has always been someone I looked up to for example. I watched as she starched slips, curled her hair, put make-up on, played the piano (yes, the famous piano that I gouged long marks in with a screwdriver! and was later ruined in a deluge of water), and even got to attend some dates with her and whatever boy was infatuated with her at the time. She always encouraged me to stretch higher, to push harder, and to expand my talents and abilities, even when I didn't think I had any!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WAYNE & DIANNE. I love them both and pray for many more days to enjoy their company.