
Reminiscing. . .

Been working on a few technical skills for the blogging business -- finally inquired of Michele on how to get a couple of things going. We agree that it's hard to "teach an old dog new tricks"!
Because she mentioned the fact that alot of us haven't seen older pix of family members, I thought I would include a pix of Matt's (5th/6th)birthday when Miles was able to attend. We went to the zoo, and then had a picnic at the park. Weren't they just so cute? Enjoy the time with your little ones --- they grow up so fast. I know when I had a houseful, all I could think about was how great it would be to have them a little older and more independent. Then, they get that way, and you long for the time when you had total control over every aspect of their day! Anyway, these two little guys grew up to be fine men! I have decided to spotlight each of my kids on this site, so that you will either become re-acquainted or come to know them better.


KickButtMommy said...

Sioux! I love that picture. Thank you so much for sharing it! I welcome any and all pictures of Mr. M!

FRYBABY said...

Those two boys were always so cute! It's hard to believe they are men now! Your blog is looking good. Keep the pictures coming....

KickButtMommy said...

Vicky still can't post! Could you change your comments to allow anonymous?
