

Our lovely Laila-Bug is 6 years old...it's hard to imagine this, as I remember driving frantically down from Boise to try and be there for her entrance into the world. We missed it by about an hour, and I was heartbroken! She was truly a most beautiful baby, with long dark hair, gorgeous eyes and the most perfectly sweet smelling head. For anyone that knows me - I love the smell of babies...except when they have poopy diapers!

We celebrated with a party the Sunday before, at Aunt Faye's, with all the family. But when I asked her what her birthday 'day' had been, she excitedly told me it was 'AWESOME'. I asked her what made it so great, and she told me she got to hand out treats to her classmates, and that they all had made individual cards for her. "It was the Greatest Birthday Ever!"

We so enjoy her effervescence, her total enthrallment with fairies and princesses, and her enthusiasm at learning new skills in school. She loves her Mom & Dad and Seth, being with her cousins, and copying anything that Taylor likes or does.

Happy Birthday Laila - We love you so much and are happy that you find so much enjoyment in your life.